Sasha Dichter is someone who writes thought provoking pieces. I have been reading his feed for a while and this morning was no different.
As it touches one thing that has my mind occupied these past few weeks (AI), it made me realize that not only are we not thinking things completely through, but also that we are vastly unaware of what the future is bringing to both you and me!
I have not heard anyone talk about the worries he poses (see below*), but that doesn’t mean they’re not there.

Why did I title this post with beyond borders? Because more and more I realize that we are truly living in a world which have no boundaries. Physically we might be living somewhere, adhering to the rules and regulations of the place we inhabit, but in reality the world has become our playground. And for a while already, we have been sharing our playground with ‘others’. I say ‘others’ because they are not human. No no, I am not going to enter the science fiction road. To be hones, I no longer have to enter said road. It’s already here! We are already living in a controled environment whereby some places have more stringent rules than others.
But I digress. Our borders have become less and less and that’s because intelligent systems are also occupying our space. Don’t want to drive yourself? Not a problem: self driving cars to the rescue! Don’t want to really inventorize what you have in your fridge let alone go think of a new recipe? No problem at all: you’ve got Fridge AI to cover for you! And that’s a simple example. But what about that report that needs to be written based off massive data collected by AI, processed by AI and handed off to the CEO? We are already there and we will come to a point where the CEO will only have to sign off, as the systems will have become more and more sophisticated.
All in all, homogeneity is a thing that we must be aware of. And if we are, I am betting on the human race to still have enough savvy to catch the train, slow it down for us to handle these worries, and then speed it right back up. What do you think will happen? Feel free to leave your comments below!
1. The actual power of output goes to the engineer… And if we’re not careful, we are totally giving power to those who might not be the ones we want to even have the power.
2. Bots talking to bots and we are just innocent (?) bystanders
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