It’s no secret that I have been following Seth Godin for the good part of my professional career. I found him accidentally when playing around with RSS when tinkling with Outlook. “What was that and how did it work”, made me look up some people or organizations which sent out RSS feeds. Enter Seth…
His view points are sharp, he delivers articles which are meant to make one think and ponder. Look at his school manifesto for example. Or his thankfulness prompts which I tried incorporating in my family as well.

These past few years, I have noticed that I have started to change. I have become more critical. Some might even say that (some) conspiracies have started to take root. Mainly because to my analytical mind, combined with my relationship with Jesus (and I confess: the two aforementioned character traits are usually NOT in one sentence 😂) makes me question everything.
And this has seeped in to what I’m reading as well. I am still a fan of Seth. That won’t change because he has been instrumental in forming me professionally. There are some things though that I do no longer agree with.
The title of this article is Welcome and Goodbye. I welcomed Seth as my morning article for more than 16 years now. I will remain part of his tribe, and will not say goodbye. However, the time has come for me to open up my wings and stand behind some of my own beliefs. No apologies.
An example
Yes, climate is a thing. And I agree it’s a man made thing. But contrary to what people generally believe, I think it IS a man made thing. Just not what the general public believes. Things that were true yesterday, might not be true today (culture change and all that). But some things… well sjeez.
Yes, vaccines are a thing. And I agree, it has helped those with immune system difficulties. But contrary to popular belief, there is not one thing that suits everyone. No exception.
I happen to believe that we as humans have been created perfectly. Not everyone though does have the same immune system as we do live in a fallen world. So yes, agreed that vaccines serve a purpose. There is a big “however” here, though. The moment we as a people are pushing one thing for absolutely everyone with the threat of or-else? Huge.Red.Flag. I should (have been) be able to make my own choices and not be shamed for them. So that was the moment I sign(ed) off. Nope. #Wrong!
Conclusion. Change drives the future. I am not the exception to that rule. So I’m telling you, but also myself:
Welcome to living.
Goodbye to existing.

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