Balancing Family, Values and Work the Caribbean way
Sitting on a bench somewhere near the ocean, listening to the back and forth of the water, waiting patiently for the tranquility which is all around to settle within my heart. In the distance I can hear the crowing of the birds – it’s 5:30AM in the morning after all. The morning light hasn’t graced the sky yet. And yet…

Already a list is forming in my head. Kids are growing, I really need to buy the eldest a new pair of shoes. And why does the younger sibling always loose the prescription glasses? He’s not yet 80 for crying out loud – already forgetting the basic of life. Oh, and I haven’t even given God His time of day yet. Hurry! Pray! Okay that doesn’t really work. Hmm, so let me concentrate on the swishing of the water then.
Note that all that is in my head, and is not reflected in my surroundings. The sun is coming up. Its gentle rays remind me that even in all the chaos of life, God is still and will always play a central role. He is in control, after all. Didn’t He create us after all?
That’s where my focus should’ve been all along. He whispers “come to me, my child and cast your burdens on me”. And if I lose that focus, any resemblence of balance is lost – gone. How can I pass anything of value to my children, if I’m so focussed on the to-do’s in life and don’t have time to sit still and be the instrument God can use to instill His values into my children?
As I sit there, letting the rising sun gently wash over me, I’m reminded that balance isn’t something we achieve by juggling everything perfectly—it’s something we receive when we place our trust in God. The swishing waves, the golden glow of the morning, and the unchanging presence of God are all whispers of His invitation to rest in Him.
Life will always be full of lists, laughter, and even the occasional lost pair of glasses. But when I choose to keep God at the center, I can see the beauty in the chaos and pass on something far greater to my children: a life anchored in faith, values, and the peace that only He provides.
Because in the end, it’s not about having it all together—it’s about knowing Who holds it all together.

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