Living on the “edge”

Let’s look up the word normal shall we? These last past years, this term has taken another meaning for me. Whilst previously normal meant ‘the norm’ and ‘what is considered a standard’ or even as a mathematician I could say ‘stastically sound’, nowadays it’s more of ‘what the majority of the people think, regardless!’. And ooohh shame on me should I think differently! That would be seen as being a rebel!

And wouldn’t you know it. Being a rebel is not something I would’ve thought I would become, now in my ‘latter’ years. As time is going by though, I realize more and more how important it is to be true to yourself. True to what you believe, true to who you really are. And I’m not talking about how you look from the outside, although that also may contribute to your self confidence.

I’m talking more about your essence. Your being. Your soul. Who does your soul listen to? Does your soul listen to your body which is sometimes crying out for things you absolutely know that does you no good? That KFC, the “Truck di pan” if we’re talking about food? Or coveting what is not yours, like the sleek car of your neighbor of heaven forbid his wife (or her husband)? The alternative of course being that your soul listens to your spirit, which sometimes is the little small voice in your head telling you go left. Even though you want to go right?

Needless to say is that in my experience, listening to my spirit has always proven to be more effective in getting to where I need to be, versus listening to my soul which is a short term fix. For real. Getting that kiss from that boy which I know I shouldn’t for example, offered me that one week of pure and utter (fleshly) bliss: I’m not going to pretend it didn’t. But that same kiss also made me weep for more than a month, because my body was awakened to the fact that … well, I didn’t have anyone in my life to kiss. Had I listened to my spirit, I would not have had that one blissfull week, but at the same time, I would not have experienced a month of utter misery.

Ultimately. The choice is ours. God gives us the opportunity to choose. What’s gonna be yours? Your body (fleshly desires) or your spirit (Godly inspired)? Here I am again with the same advice: Choose wisely.

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